We sing to others that sad at times but also wondrous joyful quiet perplexing and yet perfect (for us) song...that is OURS alone. We FEEL it more than hear it with our ears.
But when NO ONE ELSE is there to hear it with us, our heart STILL SINGS TO US because it knows. for WE TOO need solace, comforting, peace JOY and LOVE and when we need it the most...get quiet.
Our song is ALWAYS there do that for us, and for anyone else who loves us ENOUGH to be able to hear OUR song. When you find that person, GRAB ON AND HOLD ON TIGHT...NEVER LET GO. For where your song is is where your love and YOUR SUCCESS is too. ALWAYS and FOREVER.
If you LOOK with your eyes, you will more than likely miss the signs...and miss the best thing that could ever happen to you. If you CLOSE your eyes, and look with your heart...FEELING what your heart is seeing with ITS senses, THEN and ONLY THEN is REAL TRUE LOVE possible. If you try to do with your physical senses what ONLY the extra sensory senses can discern....people get it wrong far more than right.
IF YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES AND STAY REAL STILL, you may very well hear music. IF YOU DO? THAT is the sign you heart has been looking for.
Trust me. That song will tell you more without physical sound than all the great symphonies ever played....for IT will be playing YOUR song, not someone else's alone.
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