#1. I have learned over time to be wary of 'THOSE WHO PROTEST TOO MUCH.'

Often that is merely a cover to try to keep
others from seeing what you perceive to be the darkness deep down inside of you and to try to conceal the fear of what you are afraid lies down among the internal it were.


#2. One thing I have also learned over time is that human beings across the world are a lot more alike than most think, and most don't want to admit cause many at least are of the delusional idea that THEY are JUST A BIT BETTER than all the other slugs...which of course they are NOT.

Maybe they drink out of paper cups and others from glasses and others from styrofoam, but that is about as divergent as we get. Styles may differ and vehicles of conveyance too, but INSIDE...we are pretty much the same.



#3.  I post what I do on Facebook and Twitter and elsewhere (relating to equal/gay rights, marriage equality, and related issues) for one reason 

To educate, inform, illuminate, elucidate, and promote tolerance and understanding among people whose opinions and beliefs may differ on the subject. Who may simply be ignorant of much that is now known about LGBT people and who they really are.

For one thing, usually a derivative of HATE.  HATE KILLS. 


I see SO MUCH HATE out here in the Middle East and elsewhere (including in the United States)...existing often strictly out of what has been taught and that out of blind ignorance that I feel compelled to speak out when and where I see it. 

People ruin lives, theirs and others, by hosting hate and bigotry which are close relatives to prejudice and discrimination, intolerance and all that is usually rooted in fear. ALL that is a sin, but it is also corrosive and destructive. Hate and fear eat away at you from the inside without most even realizing it is happening or being aware of it...but it is a cancer that kills eventually as cancer usually does, AFTER it has robbed you of years of joy and happiness and peace, and understanding that can give you more friends and relationships full of harmony and mutual respect and affection. 

HATE gives you NONE of the postives 
of life and ONLY the negatives.

It also is true that the more you know, 
and the more you know about that which you fear/hate, the easier it is to get rid 
of the negative. People who know personally LGBT people are FAR more likely to be tolerant and accepting and usually, become even stridenly pro-gay-rights than those who don't. Those who begin to see that depriving one sub-set of people's rights can lead down a path to depriving EVERYONE'S rights...become militantly PRO-RIGHTS PERIOD.

I am here along with thousands and hundreds of thousands of others around the world to spread a bit of familiarity. 
A bit of information and education, 
and a dark and fear-filled 
world wherever the darkness and fear have taken hold...It is what I do because I love people. I want to see them free of the things that bind them, ensnare them, fill them with disease and unhappiness. I also want others who encounter me to respect me as I do them. THAT SIMPLE.

If we can do that, this will be a MUCH happier and more peaceful world. Maybe if we can just start eradicating hate wherever we find it, sooner or later it will all disappear. GONE.

Imagine that. A world without war, without violence, a world at peace with itself and all who inhabit it. YES!

Fantasy? Perhaps, but if we don't at least TRY, we will wind up hating and killing  until nobody is LAUGH.

I LOVE YOU because you make me laugh...even when I don't feel like it. I try to do the same to you. Groans are allowed, btw. LOL.



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