The follow-up to the short story THE FOXHOLE
by Dustybear
Hi Dusty.
Hope you got home all safe and sound.
You asked me to tell you whatever I wanted to about my brother Howie and his friend Barry, and yes I know.
Tells yah raht off, I liked yah, and
appreciate your interest in our family.
I loved my brother, Dusty. Loved him to death. He was older but a better brother you couldn't find. I miss him every day, I tell you.
He was always there and never treated me like a little kid or little brother, yah know? Barry too. Just treated me like a friend. Maybe more so, and
I always did like that.
Yeh, I know they was more than friends although I don't know if they ever got the chance to BE more...if you know what I mean. Hope so, cause they were SO good together. You know? Just REALLY good. I know they loved each other and I just hope to HELL, they got the chance to show it.
I got another year of high school, and then I want to join up with the Marines too. Make Howie proud of me. But, I don't know. My friend doesn't want me to. Yah know? Says he would worry all the time, and that being away from each other for so long...But I'm thinking about it.
If not, I already got a scholarship to Kentucky U, and another to U of Louisville. I'm told I am a bright little cocksucker, hahaha...
if they only knew.
You'd like my friend Dusty, his name is Rick.
He's so cute and just the best. Man, Dusty, he is just the sweetest boy
God ever made, and I love him to death.
He has lived all his life on the farm next to us and I've known him just forever. About 3 years ago and we was 14 going on 100, hahaha, we kinda started talking about our feelings, you know how that goes? Decided we were IT for each other. Been that way ever since. One minute we was
sitting on my bed just talking and the next minute...well,
he was kissing me know.
He was away visiting family in Virginia when you were here...and I kinda choked up yah know? About he and me when you were here, but...nah. It's ok. I've decided I ain't going to hide NOTHING from NOBODY...EVER.
I love him and that is that. Mama just worships his feet, yuck, lol...
and his family like me too, so we KEWL.
Uh oh, Mama is calling. I'll email you again later, Dustyman. Thanks.
Big hugs from the Jakester.
Hi Dusty.
Hope you got home all safe and sound.

Tells yah raht off, I liked yah, and
appreciate your interest in our family.
I loved my brother, Dusty. Loved him to death. He was older but a better brother you couldn't find. I miss him every day, I tell you.
He was always there and never treated me like a little kid or little brother, yah know? Barry too. Just treated me like a friend. Maybe more so, and
I always did like that.
Yeh, I know they was more than friends although I don't know if they ever got the chance to BE more...if you know what I mean. Hope so, cause they were SO good together. You know? Just REALLY good. I know they loved each other and I just hope to HELL, they got the chance to show it.
I got another year of high school, and then I want to join up with the Marines too. Make Howie proud of me. But, I don't know. My friend doesn't want me to. Yah know? Says he would worry all the time, and that being away from each other for so long...But I'm thinking about it.
If not, I already got a scholarship to Kentucky U, and another to U of Louisville. I'm told I am a bright little cocksucker, hahaha...
if they only knew.
You'd like my friend Dusty, his name is Rick.
God ever made, and I love him to death.
He has lived all his life on the farm next to us and I've known him just forever. About 3 years ago and we was 14 going on 100, hahaha, we kinda started talking about our feelings, you know how that goes? Decided we were IT for each other. Been that way ever since. One minute we was
sitting on my bed just talking and the next minute...well,
he was kissing me know.
He was away visiting family in Virginia when you were here...and I kinda choked up yah know? About he and me when you were here, but...nah. It's ok. I've decided I ain't going to hide NOTHING from NOBODY...EVER.
I love him and that is that. Mama just worships his feet, yuck, lol...
and his family like me too, so we KEWL.
Uh oh, Mama is calling. I'll email you again later, Dustyman. Thanks.
Big hugs from the Jakester.
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