I am NOT as dumb as I look or as old as I sound or as crazy as
I am NOT as dumb as I look or as old as I sound or as crazy as
I seem nor as inflexible as I may come across to others sometimes, nor as childish as I would like to be nor as weird as my friends think
I am nor do I smoke or drink or do drugs nor am I easy to be with
nor easy to get sexually (TRUST ME), nor am I hard nor totally soft
nor simple yet not always complex.

I was NEVER the wild animal my parents thought, but I was
and still am an inquisitive wildly curious free spirit with a bent for writing
about where i go and see and do. AND the ludicrous BS I see
others do. (and me too).
I got a VERY early start and I have kept right on going.
I am in a word, ME.
If you like that fine. If you don't it bothers me...but not a whole lot...
It is far better that I am comfy with me than that YOU are.
I would rather be alone than with the wrong person.
I would rather laugh than cry. Cry than hate,
Love always and be with you if I can be.
Weirdly normal and normally fairly weird.
My friends love me, are annoyed with me at times, and my enemies fear me cause I CAN be a formidable foe although I prefer not to be.
I can be incredibly sweet and caring but push the wrong button and I can go VIRAL BITCH in a NY minute. What does that? Stupidity, and injustice, and inequality. Abuse makes me insane.
Bigotry and prejudice and discrimination and hate ALL MAKE ME NUTS. It is ANTI-GOD and everything I stand for and what I truly believe ALL humans should stand for. We should ALL be PRO-HUMAN, tolerant-understanding-loving-caring, KIND.
We should be friends not the ridiculous bullshit that tries to pass for 'friend' on here where people smile one minute and back-stab the next and UN-friend' without warning. The hardest goodbye to take is the one that is unexplained. THERE IS NO excuse for that. It is childish, Immature. Ignorant. OH I AM SORRY. DID MY BACK HURT YOUR KNIFE?
Puleeze Mary.
I love animals and probably more than people sometimes. ALL kinds.
I love people too but they frustrate me. AND disappoint me a lot. Sometimes I wish I were an animal cause I am ashamed of people. We can be SO STUPID sometimes, and ignorant but stupid is worse. SO arrogant and that is the pits.
But then someone comes along and restores my faith in humanity until the next time.
I am somewhat complex but so is life and that at the end of the day IS the way it IS.
I try to be an agent for change, I am young impetuous driven ambitious challenging always the status quo. I BELIEVE in leaving this place BETTER and I NEVER stop trying to make things better and help the people I meet to both laugh more and BE more and be MORE OPEN.
and he never NEVER shut up either. LOL. (Give me a British accent and I would NEVER shut up. LOL. ok, southern accent is bad enough.
For the record and for all my several hundred new FB Friends, I am a published author. A journalist. A writer of all things, as I am an observer of life and all things human. I say what I think, believe, and stand for. I write the same way. I am also a singer and musician. Keyboards, trumpet, strings, percussion. Raised in music and writing. I love art but can't draw a straight line with a ruler even though I am very artistic. IN MY HEAD. Hate math. Hate anything math. Mostly Awful To Humans. I can never type as fast as my brain works which is frustrating and I am a speed typist.
My fave things are writing, music, animals, love, and ice cream. Making love is kewl. Having sex is ridiculous. Meaningless, and irrelevant. If you want to be a pig be my guest. Just not with me. I am human and make love without oinking.
I love to cook, HATE to eat. Love to feel good but don't care about clothes although I have awesome style and fashion sense.
I am mature and childish. I am older than a baby, but hate to act like it. LOL.
(yes I have the bumper sticker but not on my car).
AND OH YES. If you want to piss off an Iranian, call him an Arab. If you want to totally fucking piss Me OFF, ask how old I am or ask for pics or how big my dick is. I AM ABOUT AS ANTI-SHALLOW-SUPERFICIAL as it can get. I find all that RIDICULOUS, STUPID, IGNORANT, and a game I do not play. EVER.
If you want to be shallow and superficial which is totally meaningless bs, be my guest JUST DO NOT ASK ME TO JOIN IN cause I won't.
I love the eyes too. God I love eyes.
When I look into a dude's eyes, I see everything that matters.
Future past present. I see the gift he is. I see love or whatever
emotion he is feeling. It is intense. It is MAGIC.
The eyes are really the only thing about someone I ever look at. Intently or for any lenghth of time at least. Nothing else much fascinates me. The rest changes too fast and is pointless. The eyes kinda don't. Like the heart, they last...and the rest of your outside doesn't.
I love to travel. I love to watch pool. I love to swim, ride horses, and sit looking out the window on a rainy day. Melancholy mood stuff. I think then. Stirs something inside me.
I am accused of being deep. I don't know. I am just me. Like it or not I am just me. Nice to be liked but I can live without it. Always have. I have a LONG way to travel yet and I intend to do it always with PASSION and INTENSITY AND LOVE.
That describes me better than anything, I think. Passion, Intensity and Love.
Overly sensitive as most creative types are, and yes I cry easy. But I smile and laugh easier.
STAY TUNED. My life to be continued...LOL
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