Everyone always gravitated toward my biological father. He was OH MY GOD good looking with dark wavy hair, slender, flawless skin, and looked like a movie star. My mother was a beautiful woman and together they were head turners trust me.
But in truth, he was also a SLIMEBALL on the inside. He had NO morals, or integrity, and was as self-centered and self-indulgent as it gets. Married four times (so far) and 8 children (so far) and NONE OF THEM will have ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with him. HE IS NOW ALONE and will probably stay that way.
When his mother died of complications from Diabetes he did come to the funeral. Stayed TEN MINUTES and left...not going up to the casket nor saying anything to anyone.
Outward appearance frequently does not connote inner values, inner beauty, or exemplary character. Often it can and does denote a truly disgusting interior comprised of muck and slime instead. Looks or what passes in a lot of people's minds for good looks can often be a trap...and a road to a place nobody should ever want to go to.
I lucked out. My mother had all the things Larry did not. and she also had the good sense to divorce his sorry ass so I got raised with good sense, good values, a sense of what is right and wrong, an ability to deal with people via good instincts, and a sense of what is important in life and what is NOT. I learned what love and caring is all about and some idea at least of how to do it. I can also USUALLY tell the difference between the LOVERS AND THE LUSTFUL. Those who do NOT know how to BE loved cause they don't have a clue how to GIVE love.
I see a lot of other people out here who do NOT have the advantage of being able to discern who is capable of giving and receiving love and those who can't. "OH HE IS SUCH A HUNK," and maybe so, but it is also very likely that he is a long way from being a hunk where it counts. INSIDE.
If YOU got some at least of what others will consider good looks, but you have NO values NOR any heart to speak of, SORRY. YOU AIN'T NUFFIN, HONEY...and in the end you will have a very UNhappy and unfulfilling life. Too late to go back and start over.
SAD, my father. He FILLED his life with THINGS. Big houses, fancy cars, etc. BUT HE NEVER LEARNED that it is FAR more important to be HAPPY, first with yourself and then with ONE OTHER PERSON you can give your love to and spend your life with in joy and happiness. To make and keep friends who you can spend time with in mutual respect and caring. People who you can have FUN with and who you can be yourself with without fear of judgement....but if you want that you also have to BE that.
It is TOO LATE for him. But what about you?
By the way, it does NOT matter whether straight or gay either. The love-clueless can be either, and the mis-guided and gullible and mis-understanding lust for love victims of the empty-hearted can be...EITHER ONE.
Don't be deceived by someone's outward appearance. They may be just fine and of good character, but you need to be sure of that before you commit yourself and your heart to someone who DOES NOT deserve it.
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